Nomachine client fullscreen
Nomachine client fullscreen

This reduces the amount of memory needed. This allows a transparency effect where windows overlap on the screen. The "Render" or "XRender" protocol extension is enabled. JPEG quality: If Use JPEG and RGB compression and use custom JPEG quality or Use JPEG compression and custom JPEG quality is enabled, the quality of images in JPEG format can be defined (default: 6).Use plain X images: The images will be transmitted as bitmaps without compression.Only use RGB compression: Only RGB compression (lossless) will be used.The level of JPEG compression is specified by the parameter JPEG quality. Use JPEG compression and custom JPEG quality: Only JPEG compression (lossy) will be used.The level of JPEG compression will be adjusted dynamically depending on the compressibility. Only use JPEG compression: Only JPEG compression (lossy) will be used.Use JPEG and RGB compression, and use custom JPEG quality: JPEG compression (lossy) as well as RGB compression (lossless) will be used.Use both JPEG and RGB compression: JPEG compression (lossy) as well as RGB compression (lossless) will be used.The image transmission properties are specified on the server side only. The image transmission properties can be changed on the client side. Height: Height of the display area for the session (default: 600).Width: Width of the display area for the session (default: 800).Custom: The width and height can be freely defined.Fullscreen: The session will be shown in fullscreen mode, i. e.Display: Size of the display area that is used for the session.

nomachine client fullscreen

These settings are only relevant up to NoMachine NX Version 3.5.

Nomachine client fullscreen